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Cloud is an operational 240.8 MW onshore wind farm in central Sweden expected to generate 805.5 GWh per year. The project has a 29-year PPA with Norwegian aluminium producer, Norsk Hydro, as well as a 10-year PPA with NEAS energy for the remaining generation, powering around 40,000 homes.  

Red Rock Renewables first acquired interests in Cloud as the development reached commercial operation in December 2020, making it the company’s first asset in the wider European market.  The wind farm is owned by Cloud Snurran AB – a joint venture between CapMan Infra (50%) and Aska Wind Farm Holdings Limited (50%) of which Red Rock Renewables has a 50 per cent interest and is the managing shareholder.  Red Rock Renewables also currently fulfils the wind farm’s General Manager role.

The 56-turbine wind farm is situated across two sites, Lansterhojden and Storflotten in Ange, central Sweden and connects to the Rätan Power Station in Berg district of Jämtland. It covers approximately 40 square kilometres within a commercial forestry region, with elevation ranging 451-552 metres above sea level.